5 Must-Have Smart Home Gadgets You Need

By igloohome | April 23, 2018

From the beginning of laptops and smartphones, it is no longer a dream when it comes to digitizing your house. Think air-conditioners turning on when you enter, or having the coffee machine work automatically at a set time; we are in the age of convenience at our fingertips.

If you're thinking of living smart, you're at the right place. We've compiled a list of must-have smart home gadgets to make life easier below.

Smart Lighting


Photo credit: Phillips Hue

Designed for energy efficiency, smart lighting can help you save cost over time. You can also control the bulbs wirelessly to create the perfect ambience at any moment.

The Phillips Hue is no stranger in this sphere. It's known to be able to wake you up naturally or lull you to sleep. Change the lighting to suit the mood, be it for you to read, relax or energize you.

Coupled with an app, smart lighting ensures you never come home to a dark house. There's no need to fumble around for a light switch. Simply automate when you want your lights to come on. You can also check if you've left them on after you leave your home; so you never have to worry about wasting electricity.

Smart Plug


Photo credit: Kasa Smart WiFi Plug

Haven't thought about a smart plug? You'll be delighted to know that these exist. The Kasa Smart WiFi plug is a great gadget to have.

Controlled via a mobile app, you can switch the plug on or off from practically anywhere. Imagine forgetting to turn your iron off; you can easily switch it off remotely, giving you a peace of mind.

It also has an away mode. This sets your connected devices such as lights to turn on and off at intervals, giving the appearance that you're home. This deters unwanted people loitering around your property or potential burglars.

Smart Lock


igloohome Mortise

Keeping your house safe is of top priority. A smart lock will offer security, convenience and much more. Things like granting remote access to guests or family members can be done - something a traditional lock will not be able to do. Going keyless is no longer a lofty idea.

igloohome smart locks allow you to grant access via a myriad of ways. Using Bluetooth keys, key tags, RFID stickers, PIN codes and physical keys; the igloohome Mortise is a premium product in the range with the most modes of access.

The igloohome smart lock also works offline to ensure higher security standards. Working offline also eliminates the risk of weak WiFi connectivity and hacking. The physical keys that come with the Mortise are designed to ensure that they are not easily duplicated.

Smart Thermostat


Photo credit: EcoBee 4

A smart thermostat allows you to control your home's heating and air conditioning via your smartphone. If you've ever had a rude shock from your utility bill in the colder weather, a smart thermostat like the EcoBee4 will help. With the options to automate your home's temperature, you can save energy and cost in the long run.

The EcoBee4 works with room sensors. This means it will know the exact locations in your house where it is too warm or cold and adjust your HVAC systems accordingly. It also comes equipped with intuitive mobile and web apps for remote control over your home's temperatures and settings.

It also has Alexa built into it. Your EcoBee4 can read you the news, order groceries and more. You can fulfil everyday tasks with your thermostat; with a simple command, Alexa can read out steps to a recipe or find you the ideal playlist for a last-minute dinner party. How cool is that?

Smart Home Security


Photo credit: Momo Security Assistant

Marketed as the first smart home security assistant, Momo is a home genius with AI capabilities. Designed to look like a stylish lamp, Momo will seamlessly blend into any home decor. Momo aims to make life simpler and smarter, all while increasing efficiency and comfort for homeowners.

Momo is equipped with motion sensors, facial recognition and sound detection. This aids the deterrence of unwanted guests in your home by it alarming you once it detects something out of the norm. It can also be integrated with other smart security devices in your home such as cameras, to learn who is permitted into your house.

It also learns your habits and adopts intelligence. Momo will pick up your environment preferences or daily schedule to suggest certain automation to fit your lifestyle. It can also act as a smart home hub for your connected devices, allowing it to continuously adapt to you.

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