My experience as an igloohomie!

By igloohome | 18 July 2022

Winnie Intern

Hi! I'm Winnie Ho, a software engineer intern at igloohome from Jan - Jun 2022.

Winnie Headshot

In lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a hybrid working model where I come into the office on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of the time? I work from home!

This arrangement gave me autonomy and flexibility in taking charge of my work. Communication was done through Slack and teleconferences, and I could reach out to my supervisor and colleagues whenever I needed help.

Why did I choose igloohome?

As an undergraduate studying computer science, the software development role offered by igloohome felt like a chance for me to actively contribute to the team whilst learning.

I'd previously dabbled with Android development too and felt it would be valuable to my experience here!

I'm also interested in entrepreneurship. Being a local start-up, I wanted to see how igloohome leveraged its Singapore advantage to expand globally in these times.

I'm sure many of you are curious about the interview and onboarding process. After all, it's a new world we're living in what with the pandemic. Let me share my experience here:

Interview & onboarding at igloohome

It was a rather friendly and informal process! I had a chat over Google Meets with my interviewers, who turned out to be my supervisors too.

Being my first internship stint, I was worried about the unknown and the learning curve. But my worries were unfounded as my supervisors assured me that I'd learn a lot during my time with them, and that they were always open to answer any questions I had!

The HR team then onboarded me after I. cleared the interview round. It was structured and informative, and the team was really friendly and approachable.

They shared the growth of the company, its background, and where they saw themselves moving forward, giving me the confidence to begin my intern journey with igloohome :)

The experience

fireside chat with CEO

We had a fireside chat with the CEO, Mr. Anthony Chow. It was an informal and open session where I gleaned a lot of insights into the company's journey thus far. He promoted open communication and shared funny business anecdotes which I'll take with me for life!

I learned how to hone an entrepreneurial spirit and mindset, and how to leverage problems into innovative solutions.

Life as an intern

Coming into the internship, I was concerned about being a bit of a bother to my colleagues since I had little to none when it comes to experience with the tech stack. But again, I had nothing to be worried about! My teammates were always ready to help, guide, and share their knowledge.

They took the time to explain concepts and the code base until I had a good grasp of the subject. I'll admit that there were challenging times during the stint, but it only widened my horizons while I learned.

It was a great learning experience for me, and one I'd never forget. The journey has equipped me with better skillsets and helped guide my career aspirations for my future!

World without keys & Winnie

At the end of it all, it was a fruitful time for me and I'm sure future interns would enjoy working in this family-like team.

All the best if you're looking to become an igloohomie!

Signing out,
