Extra items to include in your Airbnb listing for a 5 Star Review

By igloohome | June 29, 2018

When it comes to AirBnB essentials, there are a few things that are bound to enter your mind regardless if you're a newbie or a seasoned host. Toilet paper, a WiFi router and kitchen utensils are some that come to mind, and you wouldn't be wrong, most AirBnB hosts have these essential items nailed down to a T. These items are great and necessary, but if you really want to wow your guests' and keep them happy, here are some bonus items that may have skipped your mind that can make a guests stay extra special.

Smart lock

smart digital lock

Frankly speaking, to be the best Airbnb host out there owning a smart lock is a must. A smart lock provides an utterly relaxed and convenient check in process for you, as the Airbnb host, as well as your guests. First and foremost, you can say goodbye to pesky key exchanges. With a smart lock, the inconvenience that comes with key exchanges is a thing of the past. Simply issue a duration access PIN for them remotely, or even a bluetooth key, and voila! There's no need for you to come down yourself at an ungodly hour, or worse, wait for 2 hours or more if your guests' flight got delayed.

With a smart lock comes the avoidance of many potential lock out situations. Your guests are provided with a fuss-free, convenient, and keyless stay. One less thing to worry about during their vacation! The trouble of losing keys is a thing of the past, gone are the days of guests having to wait for you to show up with spare keys if they should lock themselves out.

Toiletries/ Bathroom essentials


Photo Credit: Groupon

Every good Airbnb host should always provide these basic essentials for their guests, you wouldn't be very impressed if a hotel didn't provide toiletries would you? Although most of the time it's safe to say that guests will almost always bring along their own, trust us, your guests will appreciate if you have options available for them.

However this doesn't mean you should leave behind shabby bottles of half-used products! In order to provide the best service, you should get a dispenser that'll sit on your bathroom wall. Fill them up with all the essential soaps, shampoo, shower gel, conditioner, all that good stuff. Keep your guests in mind, additional touches like a bottle of hand/body lotion, sunscreen or even makeup remover wipes will go a long way too. Providing makeup remover wipes has a double purpose, it keeps your guests happy and prevents them from using towels for makeup removal purposes!

Beverages and welcome baskets


Photo Credit: Zillow

Most people would agree that they can't start their day without their morning coffee or tea! This is why providing these drinks are imperative for your guests. Provide them with an assortment of teas to choose from, and of course unlimited coffee. It can be argued that most of your guests will probably go out for drinks while on vacation, but what about the ones who are here for work? They'll definitely appreciate having a warm beverage in hand before rushing off for business.

Discovering new foods, scents and flavours are part of the many pleasures of travelling. No doubt, local goodies can be a great way to introduce your guests to your country and the local culture. A welcome basket stocked with snacks is a good way to do this, it doesn't even have to be a full basket of items! You can add some fruits, snack bars, local treats, beers, wine, the list is endless! Customise your basket according to your region and delight your guests from the moment they set foot into your home. For superhosts these items are must-haves, and that's what sets them apart from others.

However, with that being said, providing alcohol may not always be the best idea when it comes to certain parts of the world. In countries where beer or wine may be frowned upon, play it safe and stick to staple beverages like tea or coffee.

Outdoor equipment


Photo Credit: Pixabay

Providing outdoor equipment will take you closer to the hosting extraordinaire title that you're striving for. Including this option will give your guests an unforgettable experience that they can't get anywhere else. Picture this, it's a sunny day in your hometown, if it happens to be near a lake or the beach, don't let your guest miss out on the opportunity for a morning kayak or surfing session! Include a surfboard or a kayak if you're located near a beach. You can even strategically place these items in your photos to up the appeal of your listing.

For those with listings in the city, don't fret! There are still items that can add value to your listing and differentiate you from your competitors. How about adding a few badminton rackets roller blades, frisbees or even a picnic basket?  Your guests can definitely utilise these items in a local park. Help your guests create memories with these items and you're guaranteed a 5 star review.

You can even add a pair of bikes, these may even be essential in areas where lots of walking is required. Whether or leisure or commute, guests will be grateful that this item was added to the mix.

Small appliances (Kitchen/living area)


Photo Credit: Mark Hofeling

Buying additional kitchen appliances may be tricky. This is one category that depends on your target consumers. In Asia, appliances like rice cookers are essential. Whereas in Hawaii, consumers love to make smoothies, so a blender is a nice touch. Although we want our guests to experience our local culture, it doesn't hurt to provide them with appliances that allow them to make foods that remind them of home. If you want to be a super host, providing a coffee maker is a given. You can even purchase high tech ones like Nespresso that automates the coffee making process for your guests.

For the living room, let your guests jam out to their favourite tunes by supplying them with a Bluetooth speaker. Your guests can listen to music while packing, doing chores or even just relaxing.

In the end, guests will judge your listing based on what is stated. So deliver what is promised and more. Anything extra is an excellent surprise for them and will definitely make their trip. A little goes a long way, and to many hosts these items may be unnecessary, but to the best hosts, they are essential.